K2 SDK is a typescript SDK which can be used to interact with the K2 Lending protocol.


To install the SDK use the command npm i @blockswaplab/k2-sdk

Using the K2 SDK

One of the ways to import and initialise the SDK is:

import { K2 } from "@blockswaplab/k2-sdk";

const provider = new ethers.InfuraProvider(
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(PRIV_KEY, provider);

const sdk = new K2(signer);

For using the fundSplitter sub-class, the SDK instance can be initialised with the fund splitter contract address as follows:

const sdk = new K2(signer, fundSplitterAddress);

The SDK supports both goerli (until it is deprecated) and mainnet, hence the user should choose the network as per the need.

Please note that the SDK is an ethers.js based SDK and hence requires ethers based signer instance. It also returns values in ethers.js supported format. For example, it returns BigNumbers for the smart contract view functions that might return uint.

Also note that K2 SDK v2 uses ethers v6(recommended). If you are using K2 SDK v1 which makes use of ethers v5, please create the signer and provider instances in the following way:

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("goerli", {
    projectId: INFURA_PROJECT_ID,
    projectSecret: INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(PRIV_KEY, provider);

The SDK exposed following sub-classes: