This guide outlines the steps for performing a liquid delegation to a preferred node operator as a user of the Node Cloud.

Install k2-sdk and ethers

yarn add @blockswaplab/k2-sdk ethers@6.9.0

Importing the libraries

const { ethers } = require('ethers');
const { K2 } = require("@blockswaplab/k2-sdk");

Initialising the SDK

The SDK uses version 6 of the ethers.js library and it is recommended to use this library to create a provider and a signer instance, required for signing the transaction. You can use any provider API that you want from this list. For this tutorial, Infura is used.

const provider = new ethers.InfuraProvider(

const signer = new ethers.Wallet(PRIV_KEY, provider);

Once the provider and signer instances are created, next initialize the K2 SDK.

const sdk = new K2(signer);

The K2 SDK also takes other parameters as input but they are optional, only the Signer is required for liquid delegation.

Approve the Lien contract

Before liquid delegation, you must approve the lien contract by passing the lien contract address to the following function:

const tx = await sdk.k2Lending.setDelegatedRecipient(lienContractAddress);

Once this transaction is successful, we can proceed with the liquid delegation.

Liquid Delegation to a PNO using your K2 LP Balance

For liquid delegation to either a different PNO or yourself, the following functions from the pno sub-class can be used:

Delegate to another PNO

You can delegate your K2 LP to a PNO by calling the following function:

const tx = await sdk.pno.reDelegateToPreferredNodeOperator(pnoAddress, amount);

where amount is the amount of K2 LP to be delegated in string.

Delegate to yourself

Assuming your signer wallet address is the same as the one used for registering your validator, you can delegate to yourself by calling:

const tx = await sdk.pno.reDelegateToPreferredNodeOperator(signer.address, amount);

If the validator was registered using a different address, please use that address in place of signer.address

Liquid Delegation to a PNO from Native Delegation balance

The max liquid delegation you can give to any PNO is 24 ETH * number of native delegations.

For liquid delegation to either a different PNO or yourself from Native Delegation balance, the following functions from the pno sub-class can be used:

Delegate to another PNO

You can delegate to a PNO by calling the following function:

const tx = await sdk.pno.reDelegateToPreferredNodeOperatorFromNativeDelegation(

Delegate to yourself

Assuming your signer wallet address is the same as the one used for registering your validator, you can delegate to yourself by calling:

const tx = await sdk.pno.reDelegateToPreferredNodeOperatorFromNativeDelegation(

If the validator was registered using a different address, please use that address in place of signer.address